10 Tiger Woods faces every golfer will recognise

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read

From the 'please get a good bounce' face to the 'I think I picked the wrong partner' face, these 10 Tiger Woods faces are something we can all relate to...

From the 'please get a good bounce' face to the 'I think I picked the wrong partner' face, these 10 Tiger Woods faces are something we can all relate to...

1 - The 'yes I know it's still me to play next' face

You've just ruined a great drive by topping your approach, or left a long putt 15ft short of the hole. What could possibly make that moment any worse? Your playing partners' gentle reminder, cheers mate.

2 - The 'just knocked it to 2ft for birdie' face

We'll never grow tired of this face. You can see how the weight of having to chip or line-up a testing putt has lifted right off the shoulders and forced its way up into a huge grin.

*Other uses - "Yes, I did have a 3 pointer there."

3 - The 'please get a good bounce' face

We've all been there, a great looking drive starts to fade that little bit more or a tidy approach catches a cross breeze and sails ever closer towards trouble. Should you get lucky, you can always claim you were squinting into the sun or wind...

Other uses* This look can be easily interchanged with the 'please don't go in that bunker' face.

4 - The 'the halfway hut better be open today' face

We love to golf through thick and thin, but we all have to draw a line somewhere...

5 - The 'how the hell did that break that way' face

Need we say more? This face is almost certainly brought out after a putt we've hit a hundred times that has always rolled in one direction, today decides it doesn't fancy it and stays dead straight.

6 - The 'I'd better acknowledge the captain' face

Golf club's are full of unique traditions, and treating the captain with a certain air of respect is probably one of the more understandable nuances.

7 - The 'I picked the wrong partner' face

After standing on the first tee so full of optimism, it soon becomes clear after yet another dropped shot that this partnership just isn't going to work out...

8 - The 'you found my ball!' face

These type of playing partners are nothing short of heroes, saving you endless time searching in the rough and countless shots on your scorecard. That type of person deserves this type of face.

9 - The 'just bogeyed the last to miss buffer' face

A deflating feeling if ever there was one. Tripping over on the closing stretch can hit you like a sucker punch and haunt you for the rest of the week. Fingers crossed you rarely need to call on this face.

10 - The 'just birdied the last to make buffer' face

If dropping shots coming in leaves you feeling deflated, doing the opposite certainly leaves you elated. What's more, you can often ride the feeling and form into your next game. Huzzah.
