Snake Shoots Out Of A Sprinkler Head, Watch The Crazy Video

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Watch the wild video of a snake stuck inside of a sprinkler.

By Rick Gonzales | Updated 3 years ago

This article is more than 2 years old

Okay, friends and neighbors, temperatures are rising. Summer is looking us in the face and with warmer weather already here in some places, people are itching to get out of their homes to enjoy it. Just be aware, especially those who are in prime locations, because slithery creatures like snakes would also like to get out and stretch their tails.

Warm weather is the draw, and, in most instances, snakes love the warm weather. They also love to cool off in warm weather, as evidenced by this critter, who somehow found its way into the pipes of an irrigation system, which led to an amazing flight through the air. Check out the video courtesy of Reddit.

As you can see, when first approached, that little bugger has its head sticking out of the top of the sprinkler head. The person in the video then reaches out to tug on the snake’s head, trying to help it out of its predicament. Fearing a possible strike from the animal, the person is tentative at first, trying to pull the snake out. After a tug, more of the snake can be seen, its head wriggling, wanting to escape the clutches of the sprinkler. Finally, one last big tug and out shoots the snake, high and majestic as the water pressure sends it into the sky. The snake flips, then lands as the video comes to an end.

There is not one doubt that the snake survived its ordeal. But this is just one instance of snakes making their presence known to unsuspecting humans. We recently reported on the case of a woman in Mooresville, North Carolina who got the surprise of her life as she was trimming the bushes in the front of her house. Not only was Heatherly Noble surprised by the appearance of the Black Racer snake, but she took a nip in the hand from the snake as well as receiving an ACL tear in her right knee and a bruised tailbone to boot.

North Carolina seems to be a bastion of snake activity lately. Snake experts in the state claim there has been a recent uptick in calls concerning snake sightings as well as requests for rescues. Not of the snake, but of the person involved. Grover Barfield works as a snake educator and reptile rescuer for Carolina Reptile Rescue spoke to Fox 46 in Charlotte about such calls. “I had one lady…she was in tears,” he said via News 2. “She was so afraid.”

Barfield estimates they receive at least three calls a day but for the most part, snakes just want to be left on their own. In his area, Barfield says king, rat, and water snakes are the most prevalent, but they are all non-venomous and their bark is worse than their bite. The area is also known for copperheads and a bite from one of those, though rare, could end up sending you to the hospital.

“They don’t chase people, they don’t attack people,” he said. “They can’t eat us, so they don’t want anything to do with us.” While that is a nice sentiment from a snake expert, the layperson sees it much differently. To most, snakes, along with spiders, represent the most fearful creature on the planet and even though Barfield claims his “main purpose in life is to try to help people overcome that fear,” that’s much easier said than done.

While snakes dig the heat, they also love the cooling down process. On the Aerojet property in Rancho Cordova, CA, it is not uncommon for workers to come into work early and have rattlesnakes lining the entry doors. The snakes love to feel the cool air from inside the building as it escapes from the bottom of the door.

This is a common sight across America as warmer temperatures prevail. Those out jogging trails need to keep a keen eye working for anything slithering across their path. Snakes can find the craziest places to hide, as evidenced by the above video, so always watch where you’re reaching. Watch where you’re stepping. In general, just watch out.

So, what do you do if you happen to encounter one on the trail, in your garden, or heaven forbid, in your home? Charlotte’s Cold Blooded and Bizarre pet shop co-owner Patrick Kamberos says, “They just want to be left alone.” He insists that snakes are one of the most misunderstood creatures out there, also saying “There is no animal in this store that wishes or intends to do any of us any harm.”

The best rule of thumb is to not panic. A snake will protect itself if it feels threatened, so moving away should ease the threat aspect. Once safely away, a call to the local animal control center would be next. They can dispatch someone who has much more experience with snakes.

Warm weather, cold-blooded snakes.
