Ruby Soho Responds To Recent Allegations Made By LuFisto

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Ruby Soho speaks out.

Veteran wrestler LuFisto discussed her experience as a competitor on AEW Dark during a recent interview with Fightful. LuFisto shared her thoughts on the backstage environment at AEW and made it clear that she had issues with Soho.

Soho took to Twitter and issued a statement. She made it clear that AEW’s women’s division is supportive, particularly when it comes to women’s wrestling.

The statement is as follows:

“The women in the AEW locker room don’t just claim to be in support of women’s wrestling, they show it. Whether you see it or not. The ones who don’t ask for credit after they stand in gorilla and cheer for two women who beat each other to a pulp for your amusement. The ones who lend an enhancement talent their knee pads because they forgot theirs at home. The ones who sit in the locker room with a sobbing peer for an hour to console her when she’s having a bad day. Those women are silent heroes.

“Just because the voices you hear are loudest doesn’t mean those voices are speaking the truth.”

Various members of the AEW roster rallied around Soho and the women’s division as a whole by posting messages to show their support. Others denied some of LuFisto’s comments.
