Claude Stephenson Obituary Death: Former KUNM DJ and Musician, Claude Stephenson is Dead

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Claude Stephenson, a former state folklorist, KUNM DJ, and a musician has reportedly passed away. Claude Stephenson died from natural causes on August 29, 2023. He dies surrounded by is family and loved ones.

Mourning his passing, Santa Fe Music wrote on Facebook;

“Today I learned that Claude Stephenson died. He was a former state folklorist, former KUNM DJ, a wonderful musician and a great guy.

Sorry, I don’t know any details about how he died. I first met Claude in the early 80s when he was hosting or co-hosting a live performance show on Saturday afternoons on KUNM.

Not long after that he asked me to be part of “Menudo Home Companion,” a Prairie Home Companion spoof performed live at Keller Hall (or was it Popejoy?). That’s where he got the silly nickname “Mr. Menudo.”

And not long after that, he played mandolin in my parking-lot pick-up band Smilin’ Ted & His Bluegrass Bird Beings at the SW Pickers Fiddle & Banjo Contest. We actually won first place for “professional bluegrass band” though that was the only time this band actually played. (I think we won because of our go-go dancer, my daughter Molly TB, who I think was 5 at the time.)

Nothing but good memories of Claude! I wrote this right before he retired as state folklorist”

Claude Stephenson Obituary and Funeral Arrangements are still pending…
