
May 2024 ยท 3 minute read

Who am I

My name is Yuchao Jiang. I love reading, thinking, and writing. I also love doing sports which keep me empowered. In 2015, I finished 2 full marathons, with my personal best record of 4.5 hours. My chip-timed races can be found in athlinks.
My childhood dream is to become a scientist because science can explain many marvelous natural phenomena with concise physical hypothesis. So I collected my B.S degree in Applied Physics, and recently received my Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. As a result, I have expertise knowledge in semiconductor lasers. My scientific publications can be found in google scholar.
Upon my graduation, I realized I was too narrowly focused on my doctoral study and wasn't aware of the rapid technology advancement, especially in the computing area. The human knowledge is in an explosive growth. With big data, artificial intelligence and many scientific breakthroughs such as super-resolution microscopy (2014 Nobel prize in Chemistry), the human civilization is actually accelerating! After playing around Udacity for some time, I decide to make a career change.

What am I doing

Zootopia Still: 'Fear always works

It is like waking up in one night, I realized I lose everything: family, assistantship, money and future. In retrospect, I had spent all my life trying to be a good student that is well-defined by the teachers. Trying something new is long over-due. I don't know where is my true passion, let alone fearless fight for it.The truth is: if you don't try anything new, you already fail.
Say, I have been considering to learn computer science since the first year of my doctoral odyssey. But I only took a data structure class in the second year and then completely gave up. The reason is that my living relies on research funding and the PI kept me concentrate on his project.
So, after graduation, I am completely free and can't wait to learn more about computer programming. I have been sharing my learning notes in blogger since 2016 June, This writing is a lot of fun and helps me reflect and organize my thought. I learned to use Markdown which makes writing distraction-free. A few days ago, I learned Git and GitHub in Udacity. Now I already create my Github Page . I feel awesome!
Althought I still don't know what exactly I am going to do, this is a good beginning...

What am I thinking

This is a zootopia graph

A lot of frustrations in reality lead me to think really hard of the true meaning of life. Any piece of thought-provoking material is a life-saver to me.
One of my favorite writers is XiaoLai , whose selfless sharing of his ideas totally blow out my mind. In his free online course "persuade yourself by reasoning", he pointed out that fear and interest are two ultimate motivations for human being . People don't confront the challenge because they fear the uncertainty of the future. They rather wait, pray and close their eyes.
So, to beat my own fear that root deeply in my mind, the first step is to be aware of that fear. The second step is to be confident in every aspect: moral, knowledge, physical, etc.
Keep exploring and write them down.
